The Classroom Online of
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Heck
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"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them." --Henry David Thoreau
Welcome to THE HUB! This collective website will serve to complement and support our daily class by providing duplicate materials from class, reminders and schedules, communication to parents, and links to valuable resources. Use The Hub to your benefit as a "one-stop shop" of accessing our class activities!
Add your email, and you will receive notifications for updates to The Hub and "Shout Outs" as reminders for important stuff for English class! You all have a district-provided email that you can access on the Lakeside Home Page.
Click on the tab for your class on the top menu to download PowerPoints from our daily work and extra copies of assignment sheets. All assignments are organized by unit, which are listed in chronological order.
Useful Navigation Tricks
Click on hyperlinks embedded in posts to access copies of worksheets, notes, or resources used in class.
There is a search bar at the top right of the page. Use that to type in key words when searching for class content.
Take heed, Children!
The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. --W.B. Yeats
Student Testimonials
I liked the group discussions. It made learning more interesting seeing other people's point of views.
— Zoe G., class of 2013
I like that you taught in a way that everybody can understand. For me personally, it was being taught with the use of real life examples, but some people need visuals. I think you were pretty well-rounded with your teaching style.
— Keisha G., class of 2014
I think you are a down-to-earth person. You understand our lives as teenagers outside the class. You respect our feelings and yet we get stuff done. You treat us with respect and just make class enjoyable. I really am glad I had you as a teacher.
— Kermit B., class of 2015