The Classroom Online of
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Heck
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"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them." --Henry David Thoreau
Late classwork and homework assignments are not accepted in the Freshman Academy. Tests and projects have a two-days grace period, with percentage penalties.
Parent Portal is always up-to-date with current grades from students. To access the particular assignment grades, please click Grades, the Lit 312 Heck. If there is no grade, it means the assignment is still being graded. All the dates in my gradebook correspond to the days work is assigned and due.
Contact Mrs. Heck
The Key to SUCCESS is EARLY communication!​
Parents, please closely monitor the progress of your child so that you are not shocked at the end of the semester to learn that he or she is failing a course when it is too late to remedy.
Kiddos, please keep up with your WORK in and out of class, then you do not have to WORRY about your grade. Keeping ahead and on top of your work is the BEST way to succeed!