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Mrs. Elizabeth G. Heck
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"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them." --Henry David Thoreau
Study Skills Learning Centers
A pedagogical explanation to benefits for middle and high school curriculums
The PowerPoint attached at right offers precise and relevant background on the use of Learning Centers in middle and high school curriculums. The Freshmen Academy Study Skills Course is aimed to prepare students to succeed through high school and beyond by providing foundational skills in the realms of character, effective studying, literacy, real-world applications, and other success-driven paradigms that are often left out of modern education. Study Skills encompasses all that teachers, students, and learning communities can do to fully educate a person. Mrs. Heck will be employing a system of “Learning Centers” to maximize time and impact of Study Skills. Please refer to Dr. Lisa Juneau's information within the attached PowerPoint to learn more about ways that Learning Centers will benefit your child as a Lakeside Freshman.
from https://www.louisianabelieves.com/docs/default-source/louisiana-teacher-leaders/fi34-presentation-learning-centers-in-middle-high-school-classrooms.pptx?sfvrsn=2