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Inquiry Learning Plans

Welcome to Fourth Quarter! We are so close to the end that it is now YOUR TURN to decide what skills you need to practice in English!

Today, we looked at the standards for English Language Arts 9-10. Remember that the Columbia County website also has links for all of your other classes' standards which would be good for review and checking off your skills before the EOCTs or SLOs. The standards are expectations which are set for you to master before you move forward in your high school career.

For your Inquiry Learning Plan (ILP), YOU are the one choosing those standards with which you feel less comfortable or competent. This Independent Novel Unit allows YOU to practice those skills that you need more time with to help you prepare for the EOCT. YOU will choose your novel, YOU will choose your activities, and YOU will set the lessons each day. You will be paired with a small group (of those reading the same choice text) that can help you focus your work and interpret your tale.

Remember, I will be guiding you with the Unit Calendar, the Unit PowerPoint, and our weekly discussions, but YOU are ultimately your own teacher. Remember, "inquiry" is all about your questions leading to your success!

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