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Infographics to Share!

Today, we are going to save our infographics as images and upload them to a class album to share with each other!

To save your PowerPoint slide as a picture:

1. File >> Save As

2. Use the dropdown menu to choose "File Type" >> .jpeg

3. Title it in the following format: Book.First Initial.Lastname

(for example) --> Night.E.Heck or F451.E.Heck or Arthur.E.Heck

4. Download the image onto the computer you are working on.

To upload the image to Flickr:

2. Sign in using my email address:

3. I will give you the password IN CLASS.

4. Click the cloud with an upwards arrow that is found in the top right corner of the page.

5. Select a file to upload >> Select your file.

6. It should be named as before: Book.First Initial.Lastname.

7. Add your infographic to our Visual Essay Infographics Spring 2017 album

8. Voila for the world (and especially our class) to see!

You can also view the album at this slideshow below! Be sure to refresh the page as people add their work!

Here's my example, again:

Example Infographic


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