Introduction Paragraphs
Over the course of the week, we have learned how to write the elements of an introduction paragraph. Now it's your turn to compose your own FULL intro paragraph! Be sure to complete this worksheet (complete with the third example bridge and the full intro paragraph!) for Monday to turn in.
As a recap, here are the steps to creating a bridge:
(1) Determine the main idea of the hook and the main idea of the thesis.
(2) How do they relate? (Use the Kinds of Connections notes from the PowerPoint)
(3) Craft a sentence that points back to the hook AND forward to the thesis. Be a little more specific here!
(4) Give the reader a "sneak peek" of context about the book, characters, and/or plot to give them a taste of understanding before reaching the thesis.
(5) Edit and revise sentences to make sure they go together. Is there enough description without excess details? Do your phrases make sense? Does your reader know what they are getting into with your paper?
Look back to the PowerPoint and the linked resources under each slide's "Notes" section (viewed in "Edit" mode) for more assistance. And remember: even if you think this is confusing, it's really just that writing is difficult--REALLY difficult! Even the experts know how hard it is!