Infographics to Share!
Today, we are going to save our infographics as images and upload them to a class album to share with each other! To save your PowerPoint...
Friday's To-Dos!
For Friday, watch this instructional video, then complete your work. You have TWO goals today: 1. Finish the MLA Practice Worksheet 2....
Big6 Steps In Class
This post is a plan and record of our in-class efforts towards our research project. Follow along to make sure you have "checked off"...
Research Pathfinder
Click this LiveBinder to find tons of resources for our research projects.
Research Project Due Dates
Here are the current due dates for your research project, based on the Big6 order of research: 1. Topic Approval (due today) 2. Schrock's...
Shakespeare Symbaloo!
ONLY use the websites I have linked on this page, a handy, app-like pinboard called Symbaloo. Steps: Peruse websites that catch your eye....
Creating a Mythology Infographic
For your presentation to the class, you will create an infographic that details the required information about your character as found on...
Researching Greek Mythology
Encyclopedia Mythica Bartleby (copies of the actual myths) Clear and direct examples compiled by Cleveland Heights High School Super...
Researching Names
This is in preparation for writing our own vignettes, following the writings of Sandra Cisneros. This assignment, The School on Blue...